INSTEAD, you and
your staff could be multiplying productivity by talking
to computers rather than typing.
Welcome to VoiceWizard, your resource for speech recognition
and voice technology.
how can you best begin...
to browse the site for information about the latest in speech products,
use the sidebar at the right to guide you around. But if you want
executive insight into this humanizing trend in hardware and software,
consider these options:
- Start at What's Out There. This
will give you an idea of the kinds of offerings currently available
in the speech technology industry. Then look over the FAQ
area which answers frequently asked questions about speech technology.
We cover some of the major industry events in News.
- When you can't wait to find out what's on the edge - then
go to Hot Products .
- We give hard hitting opinions about vendor offerings in Product
- If you are a manufacturer of hardware or software, please
check out our extensive product evaluation and reviewer's guide
Consulting Services .
- If you are a developer or rabid speech tinkerer, check out
our free download area.
what's going
the purchaser of speech technology products. It is also for
developers of software using speech products as part of the design.
You will find reviews of both retail level products and speech products
for programmers. You can also record product bugs you find and wish
list features. Those bugs, features, and your interests are communicated
to our vendor network regularly. When we see a gap in the technology,
we push for a fix.
This site is designed and exists for public examination of the
state of the art and also to help shape where that art is going.
So have a go at it. Explore. Learn. Click the links. Kick the
As an additional resource, VoiceWizard (Roland Racko) recommends
that you check out the Software
Development Magazine site, to which he contributes frequently
on these topics.