OK, it's all pretty flashy, this voice stuff. But where should
it be going? What are some things that need attention now? Below
is a list, on a product by product basis, of things vendors could
do to make their products even hotter. Place your wishes here
and we'll see that the perfect vendor gets to hear about it. You
can have a voice in how the future unfolds.
For all dictation products:
- Incremental training - The training period is a bore. Products
should learn at every session whatever they can. A person should
not have to explicitly train before the program's learning occurs.
- Easier setup for voice macros - program should be able to watch
key stroke patterns and suggest a nearly completed macro for commonly
occurring key sequences.
- Faster loading times for speech programs - Because of the memory
requirements conflicts, you sometimes want the speech running
and sometimes not during the same computer session. Having to
repeatedly wait 2+ minutes to start up under these circumstances
is a turnoff and discourages product use altogether. Perhaps there
should be some kind of "warm start." IBM ViaVoice is
currently the least offensive in this regard.
- A way to "train out" commonly occurring office noises
- If a certain noise is always erroneously translated into some
kind of text, there should be an easy way to tell the program
to ignore it.
for Dragon Naturally Mobile:
- From Tester: Dual training for hand held unit and headset
is inexcusable. It should be possible to train both together
by wearing the headset while talking into the palm recorder.
It should also be possible to edit the transcriptions using
the headset rather than mouse.
for IBM ViaVoice
- From Tester: Shouldn't have to paste text into speech reader,
then click "read." Should be a single keystroke or "drag
and speak" operation.
This list is compiled from our testers, client feedback and your
input. It is avidly read by people at Dragon, IBM, and so on. If
you'd like to see something in a voice product that isn't out there
now, send a description to us and we'll
make sure that the right vendor contact gets to know your needs.