Text To Speech Performance
Dragon's text to speech will only read text inside the the Dragon
dictation window and is otherwise generally unavailable for use
in other applications, a distinct minus. The inability to read
from an e-mail program could be a particular disadvantage for
some users.
Its audio performance is only fair by comparison to, say, IBM
ViaVoice. The sense of phrasing is a little choppy with a somewhat
British slant in words like "schedule" or "beta".
Some common acronyms are mispronounced when they are in capital
letters but OK in lower case. Some acronyms are unexpectedly spoken
as full word phrases. The acronym "SQL," for example,
is spoken as "structured underscore query underscore language."
URL's and e-mail addresses were often badly done. The plural sound
of "dollars" is omitted when pronouncing something like
"$695" with "dollar" being used instead.
Within the NaturallySpeaking dictation window, there is a wide
range of options for selecting the text segment to be read. That
made using the text to speech as a way to audio proofread documents
smooth. It was easy to pause the speech using a key stroke, make
corrections and resume the speech from the point of correction.
As yet, no vendor makes it possible to interrupt speech playback
using voice commands; keystrokes are always required.
More: Introduction
More: Ongoing Training
More: Dictation
into the NS Applet...
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to Speech Performance...
More: Integration
With Other Applications...