Integration with Other Applications
Under Instant Messenger, Voice Xpress worked well, with only
an occasional failure to properly insert corrections or deletions.
When dictating into Dreamweaver web pages, corrections are not
inserted with proper alignment if the lines are folded. Some commands,
such as "capitalize that," don't properly overlay the dictated
text. When toggling between other applications and multiple Dreamweaver
windows, the program gets confused about the last item dictated
into Dreamweaver, thus making the "select " command ineffective.
Voice commands to English Wizard were all well formed, so database
query results were perfect.
Weak Macros with Onerous Debugging
Lernout and Hauspie's macro facility can't handle the e-mail
macro. It doesn't allow the addition of a variable recipient address
argument to the macro, so you must have a separate macro for each
person in your mailing list.
But the most serious problem is that changes to a macro only
take effect after the program is restarted. That makes debugging,
editing and retrying a complex macro onerously time-consuming,
especially given the program's long program load time (3 minutes
on the slow machine, about half that on the fast machine).
SDK includes Grammar Compiler, a Boon for Developers
The Lernout and Hauspie SDK ships with U.S. English vocabulary,
and upgrades are available for U.K. English and German. Its useful
tools let you manually exercise an application for both dictation
and command-and-control recognition. Besides a vocabulary extender,
it also has a grammar compiler that lets you create command and
control contexts with the same flexibility command structure as
illustrated by the dictation applet.
It has C++ wrapper classes that support both SAPI 3.0 and SAPI
4.0. The SDK's ActiveX and COM capability lets it integrate with
Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++Builder, and other Internet
tools. There isn't much in the programmer's guide to help a beginner
build a voice application from scratch.
More: Introduction
More: Ongoing Training
More: Dictation
into the XpressPad Applet...
More: Text to Speech
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With Other Applications...